"FOOTPRINTS has a very strong Christian, moral worldview with references to forgiveness, hope, and love. The flashbacks are extremely well directed and acted. The jeopardy is intense...there’s something clearly at stake, that is, David’s survival and Cadie’s survival...A strong entertaining, Christian story that is well worth watching.”
- movieguide.org

"You need to see this story...It is a wonderful story, the kind of story our troubled times needs more of.”
- Bob Kemp, Renew America Magazine

"This is a wholesome movie with prayer and God being mentioned, and we gladly award it our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages twelve plus. ...the themes of this movie are great: forgiveness, loyalty, second chances, and love. Catch this one!"
- The Dove Foundation

"Multimillion dollar budgets for special effects can serve to draw crowds to Hollywood’s latest blockbuster. A $20 million A-list actor or actress can nearly ensure that every theater seat will be filled on opening day. But writer and director Jim Huggins has utilized the third, and perhaps most important ingredient needed to make a good movie: A good, heartwarming storyline...“Footprints” offers a message of hope. It encourages the audience to step out in faith and work to make a difference to others. It’s so well done, that even a cat person will love it."
- Daryl Madore, The Times Record​
- “Wow! The movie surpassed my expectations… the story compelling.”
- “This movie will change your life.”
- “A friend of mine just saw the film the other night and told me how amazing it was…she was RIGHT!”
- “Loved seeing Rocket jump up in the air and open the door. It was like watching Rin Tin Tin..! So excited... it brought tears to my eyes!”
- “Dawn and I went to the screening last night in Vermont. It was worth the two hour drive! They have done a fabulous job at telling a great story. It demonstrates that God can work though any channel.”
- “Jim Huggins (the Director) has unbelievable instincts. He has been a source of inspiration, comfort, guidance and light for me in my new discovery and appreciation of God.”
- “This movie has a very powerful message to send…It is a message which we should all be paying attention to and the type of thing this world needs to help turn it around. KUDOS to you for attempting and for the sake of all of us I hope you succeed. God Bless!”
- “It was really good and my children really enjoyed it also :) ”
- “WOW!!! Absolutely AMAZING!! That dog is so beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes!“
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